Texas Bankruptcy Laws

Understanding Texas Bankruptcy Exemptions

“Will I lose it all?” is one of the first questions individuals ask when considering filing for bankruptcy. However, bankruptcy laws allow for protection of certain types and amounts of the debtor’s property. Choosing Federal Or Texas Bankruptcy Exemptions Each state handles bankruptcy exemptions differently. Some states allow debtors to choose between using the federal … Read more

7 Debts That Cannot Be Discharged In A Texas Bankruptcy

For the most part, bankruptcy results in the discharge of debts owed by the person filing the bankruptcy. In a perfect world, the debtor could walk away with a completely clean slate and no debts. However, some simply cannot go away, no matter what type of bankruptcy is being filed. 1. Child Support Or Spousal … Read more

Understanding The Role Of The Bankruptcy Trustee

When it comes to bankruptcy proceedings, many different individuals are involved in the process: the debtor, the creditor, often the debt collector, and, of course, the bankruptcy trustee. However, many individuals fail to understand the role of the bankruptcy trustee. Below is some information to explain what role the trustee plays in all bankruptcy proceedings. … Read more