– Provide all requested tax documents.
– Complete a course on managing your personal finances.
– Not hide or transfer any money or property if your intent is to defraud you creditors.
– Not hide or destroy any financial records.
– Not commit perjury or commit any fraudulent acts related to your bankruptcy.
– Account for lost assets.
– Not violate court orders.
– Not have previously filed for bankruptcy (within certain timeframes).
Debts that are almost always nondischargeable include:
– Certain taxes
– Debts you owe for alimony and child or spousal support
– Student loans.
– Debts you owe for personal injury caused by you while driving under the influence.
– Debts you owe for certain housing fees (for instance, homeowners association fees).
– Debts you failed to list on the bankruptcy petition.
– Debts you owe to government agencies for fines and penalties.
– Debts you owe to a former spouse (or child) as a result of divorce or separation.
– Debts you owe to some retirement plans.
– Attorneys fees arising from child support or custody cases
– Court fines and penalties (including restitution for a crime).
In addition, there are other debts that may be deemed non-dischargeable if a creditor successfully petitions the court to do so.
If you’re drowning in debt and you’re ready for relief, call us at Collins & Arnove at (972) 516-4255. We are bankruptcy attorneys and counselors and we can help you through the process of your Chapter 7 personal bankruptcy in Plano TX. To learn more about us and Chapter 7 bankruptcy, visit www.ntb.wpmudev.host.
Collins & Arnove | Personal Bankruptcy Plano TX | 972-516-4255